Why eating just one sausage a day raises your cancer risk by 20 per cent
One sausage a day can significantly raise the risk of bowel cancer, one of the deadliest forms of the disease, experts have warned.
Eating 1.8oz (50g) of processed meat a day - the equivalent of one sausage or three rashers of bacon - raises the likelihood of the cancer by a fifth, research shows.
Then you are not alone. In these days their are forces afoot that we must pay attention to. Things to be concerned about and to focus attention to and to pray about. The unease we experience is real, but as others throw caution to the wind the wise will choose not to do so. Spiritual forces struggle for us body, mind and soul. So view this as an outpost, to warn and to ponder. Bookmark this page and check back, read the commentary and articles and learn. Pray and keep your guard up. To not do so would be so unwise.
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