Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Nearly all returned gadgets still work. Users only think they are broken

A STAGGERING 95 PER CENT of electronic goods which are taken back to the shop are not actually broken, according to consulting and outsourcing firm Accenture.

Apparently, when punters return their electronic gear as faulty, only five per cent are telling the truth.

Accenture believes that 68 per cent of returns are products that work properly but do not meet customers' expectations. They either thought it was broken or it didn't do what they thought it would do.

Accenture executive Terry Steger said that in 27 per cent of cases, customers woke up to the fact that they really did not want the electric gear in the first place and were trying to take it back.

It is staggering how difficult it is to operate some items. When will manufactures learn this? One reason the I-pod has been such a hit is that's its pretty easy to use.

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