Monday, June 2, 2008

The newly named Awe Kooda Bilaxpak Kuuxshish -- better known as Barack Obama?

The purification ceremony isn't an everyday ritual of U.S. presidential politics. The newly named Awe Kooda Bilaxpak Kuuxshish -- better known as Barack Obama -- faced east, the symbolic source of new life. His adopted Crow father, Hartford Black Eagle, prayed over him.

Afterward, they walked arm-in-arm with Black Eagle's wife, Mary, to a podium, where Obama promised to live up to the meaning of his new name: "One Who Helps People Throughout the Land."
"I want you to know that I will never forget you," Obama told the crowd, who had not seen a visitor of such political importance since Lady Bird Johnson came to the Montana reservation in the 1960s. "You will be on my mind every day that I am in the White House."

In a tight Democratic race, American Indians living in poor conditions on isolated prairie reservations could have a pivotal voice in the selection of a presidential candidate. As a result, they're hearing a lot of promises from politicians: better health care, improved housing and stepped-up law enforcement in Indian country.
Their votes could be decisive in the last two Democratic primaries -- the June 3 votes in Montana and South Dakota -- that Obama would very much like to win.

Remember he just left his Church too.

More at

Also -
Barack Obama Claims He’s Not Pro-Abortion Despite Overwhelming Record - From Lifenews

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