Thursday, April 17, 2008

'Expelled' makers go on offensive against 'thought police'

A court challenge to the new movie "Expelled: No Intelligence allowed," by Ben Stein is nothing more than an attempt on the part of the pro-evolution believers in the science community to stifle the free expression and debate of ideas, movie officials say. The groundbreaking movie is scheduled to open in more than 1,000 theaters on Friday. "Said Executive Producer Walt Ruloff. "It is interesting that these efforts are made less than 10 days before the movie debuts and involve those who continually seek to thwart open debate.

"While bullying tactics may work against some individuals who are trying to explore the origins of life, it will not work against us. We certainly will not allow a small group of self-appointed gatekeepers to infringe our rights of free speech and our obligation to expose them for what they are -- namely, intellectual thugs unwilling to accept any dissent from Darwinian orthodoxy," he said.

More from WorldNetDaily

1 comment:

Benjamin Franklin said...


How can you think that copyright infringement is covered under freedom of speech?

Why do you think that legal protection of those copyrights amounts to bullying?

Is Yoko Ono an "intellectual thug unwilling to accept any dissent from Darwinian orthodoxy", or is she just displeased at having her , copyrighted intellectual property stolen?