Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gas Pumps May Cheat Customers

With the growing price of gas these days, getting less than what you are paying for is an added insult to your budget. But, as the Associated Press (AP) reported this weekend, getting cheated at the gas pump is a pretty common occurrence. Here is what you need to know about becoming aware of the problem and getting reimbursed.

Have you ever noticed that there is a slight delay in the flow of gas when you first start pumping? If the pump hesitates for a second or two before it kicks in, then chances are that you are paying for gas that you aren't actually getting. This can be as high as two extra gallons per fill up. And with gas approaching $4 a gallon in some areas, you could be paying $8 more each time you fill up.
More at the families.com frugal blog

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