Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gum Disease May Raise Cancer Risk

Men with a history of gum disease may be more likely than other men to develop cancer, a new study shows.

The study included more than 48,000 male health care workers who were followed from 1986 through January 2004.

When the study started, the men were asked if they had a history of gum disease with bone loss. They also answered questions about their diet, physical activity, smoking, and medical history.

The men completed health surveys every two years and dietary surveys every four years.

During the study, the group had 5,720 new cases of cancer, not counting nonmelanoma skin cancerprostate cancer that hadn't spread beyond the prostate. or

Compared to men with healthy gums, men with a history of gum disease were:

  • 14% more likely to develop cancer overall
  • 49% more likely to develop kidney cancer
  • 54% more likely to develop pancreatic cancer
  • 30% more likely to develop blood cancers
More from Web MD

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