Monday, May 26, 2008

Obama's views on abortion would be the most radical and extremist of any president in history

A Christian organization is preparing a new educational campaign to inform voters about Barack Obama's pro-abortion views since it appears he is more likely to become the Democratic presidential nominee. The Christian Defense Coalition says Obama would become the "abortion president."

The group told on Thursday that Obama's views on abortion would be the most radical and extremist of any president in history.

The CDC says they are completely out of step with the opinions of mainstream America.

"For all his talk on change and social justice, Senator Obama clings to and embraces archaic and radical pro-abortion policies that most Americans find appalling," says Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, director of the group.

"While the majority of Americans are growing more and more uncomfortable with abortion rights, Senator Obama wants to radically expand them and even ask people of faith to pay for abortions," he added. "Senator Obama, this is change we can live without."

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