Friday, May 16, 2008

Scientists debate cause of feared 'worms-under-skin' disease

Scientists are debating whether a dehabilitating condition called Morgellons disease could be caused by bacteria or fungus on plants in California, Texas and Florida, though many agree that research is leaving them with more questions than answers.

While there are many unfounded theories about the cause of Morgellons disease, including alien abduction and government conspiracies, some have attempted to draw a link between the mysterious illness and genetically modified food by suggesting engineered crops may contain bacterium responsible for the disease.

"Generally, people complain of an appearance of fibers in their skin," he told WND. "It itches. There's some inflammation, skin lesions, and they complain that it generally affects their well-being with fatigue similar to Lyme disease. Some people complain of psychological conditions. We cannot define it precisely."

Other commonly reported symptoms include:

  • Multi-colored fiber-like strands or crystals protruding out of skin
  • Fatigue
  • A feeling of parasites or worms crawling under skin
  • Black specks in lesions that do not heal
  • Joint swelling and/or hair loss
  • Memory loss or general brain fog with difficulty concentrating
More at WorldNetDaily

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